ID3S® The RFID Integrator
Breaking News

Check out below upcoming or recent events relating to ID3S. If you were to wish any detailed information among those briefs, please, do not hesitate to contact us (last update November 2024).

Monday, December 23, 2024

ID3S UHF Active Device Ambient Light Powered at CES 2025

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Electronica 2024 Munchen

Our Devices (circled in red) and a attentive audience :)

Monday, November 11, 2024

Electronica 2024 Munchen We'll be there, come and visit us

Thursday, August 15, 2024

The last one

Just can't refrain...

Friday, June 12, 2020

We've just moved, new office address:

ID3S new address

Wednesday, May 02, 2018

NFC/RFID Pressure & Temp Sensor

ID3S just introduced Battery Free NFC/RFID enabled micro Sensors.
The one below is a Pressure & Temperature sensor (dim: 40*25*0.3  mm).
Do not hesitate to contact us.

Friday, October 06, 2017

We're on Patent Auction...

Starting from today, we're on Patent Auction for a limited period of time.

Friday, October 06, 2017

Bluetooth Pen HF/UHF Reader

A sample application with Bluetooth Pen HF/UHF Reader
connected to a rugged Tablet under Android or Windows 10

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Thin RadioFrequency Metal Compatible Device Packaging ID3S Patent issued in CANADA

Following France, USA and EP,
the ID3S' patent related to "RadioFrequency Device ..."
has been issued in CANADA.

This patent applies to thin objects  (<< 1mm)
  gathering an HF component, one antenna
and having to work on metal.

Reminder :  a license program is available under NDA.
Please do not hesitate to contact us.

ID3S Cnadian Patent

Thursday, May 28, 2015

UHF Gen 2 Reader/Writer USB 2

UHF Gen 2 Reader/Writer USB 2

Integrated Antenna / Mux 4 Antennas


UHF Gen2 Reader/Writer mini USB 2

Standard Specifications

Air Protocol 

ISO 18000-6C/EPC Gen2

Channel Share

Frequency Hopping or LBT




Miller 2, 4, 8 and FM0 Read, Write

Supply Voltage

5Vcc USB

TX Power

25 dBm typ. (Adjustable by 1dB steps)


Mini USB 2.0

Read Range

2.0 meter typ. (Depends on Antenna and Tag)

Size (WxLxH)


Customization & OEM misc (Contact us) :

OEM:PCB Only Size (WxL)


Interface Dll

Manufacturer Std Available or Customer Dev

Special Functions

Firmware adaptable following your specs


Adaptable following your specs

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Baby Turtles paddling to the sea...

Some humor at this time when famous Beaches are honored?

"Baby Turtle" isn't that a good marketing nickname to our HF/BF Readers ?
The UHF readers are on their way (breaking news to come very shortly...)

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

ID3S patent issued by UPSTO

The ID3S patent application related to TAG packaging has been issued by the USPTO.

This patent applies to thin objects  (< 1mm)
  gathering an HF component, one antenna
and having to work on metal.

Reminder: a license program is already in place (more infos under NDA ).

Thursday, June 23, 2011

ID3S is deploying an RFID based Tracking Solution to manage the Periodical Controls of 50 000 Self Contained Breathing Apparatuses (SCBA) for the French “Marine Nationale”.

50 000 SCBAs (Self Contained Breathing Apparatuses: Air Cylinders, Masks…) are tracked using an RFID based Solution provided by ID3S to his partner MATISEC who’s performing the Periodical Control Services for the French Marine Nationale”.

ID3S provided an externalized Server, PDAs used at various control and service sites, TAGs that are sticked onto all the equipments and all the software applications used for tracking the equipments, centralizing the Control Certificates, synchronizing the PDAs and performing networked updates...

Marine Application Architecture

Marine App Architecture

GMAO: Extranet Access to SCBA infos data bases.

GED: Extranet Access to SCBA Periodical Control Certificates...

Some PDA Screen shots

Do not hesitate to contact us for any further Information.

Monday, May 02, 2011

IDS3 at RFID Journal 2011 Orlando (Florida) April 2011

April 2011, French companies - Agid, Atlantic RF, Biolog-Id, Baracoda, Dassault System, Firefliies RTLS, ID3S, IER, Maintag, Renault, SITL/RFID, Stid et Twiister –  participated to RFID Journal Live 2011 in Orlando (Florida-USA) -the biggest wordwild event dedicated to RFID technologies- under the French RFID National Center  banner.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

TAGs testing against HighTemp (from 200°C up to 400°C)

Find below some pictures on our validations and tests conducted with LUXFER.
Range of High Temp from 200°C up to 400°C.
Believe it or not:  As expected, most of our tags -depending on their packaging- were still alive !
Do not hesitate to contact us on that subject.

Testing and validating HF TAGS packaging at 200°C and up to 400°C

Many thanks to LUXFER :

Thursday, May 20, 2010

"SOLDATS DU FEU" : Item Tracking & Management Issues Solved!

"Personal Protective Equipment Floor Tracking & Management became a constant issue for Fire Departments Logistics Services. Usage of new technologies -such as RFID- highly simplifies PPE monitoring and therefore considerably reduces management costs."

 " Our analysis:  ID3S has mastered its technology in manufacturing RFID Tags that can be affixed to metallic Air Cylinders. ID3S Tools are User Friendly and mainly insure a high level of security in Item Tracking and associated Management..." 

Source : "SOLDATS DU FEU"  May/June 2010

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Manufacturing Laminated Tags.

Having the privilege to rely on a PRO Partner, we cannot refrain from showing his Art in action :

Manufacturing Laminated Tags

Above some laminated tags during manufacturing process and one reel among others...

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Where is Waldo (bis)?

See below Laminated TAGs that are thin, soft and Metal Compatible 

(28 mm* 42 mm, Thickness less than 600 µ under ID3S Patent pending IP).
More Infos to come very soon, stay tunned...

How many Waldo on that picture?
Mail your guestimate to

Thursday, December 31, 2009

2010 "the One"

2010 sounds as being "the One" for ID3S!!!
We would like to share this dynamic with you,
to thank you for your support and
to wish you all the best for 2010!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Laminated TAGs : Where is Charlie ?

Just Kidding, never hurts :)

WHERE IS CHARLIE ? (Mail your "guestimate" to contact at

Good Luck !

Monday, October 19, 2009

ID3S at SPCONGRES 2009 French Fire fighters National Congress.

We have been delighted to meet with numerous visitors on our partner MATISEC booth where our externalized and internalized solutions -based on our RFID technology - for SCBA apparels tracking were exhibited "in real action". These are the key solutions to stay in obedience with recent Interior Ministry recommendations applied to SCBA mandatory filling and control operation tracking.

Congrès SP2009

See all of you very soon during our "after show" follow-ups.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

ID3S provides the GESIP with a SCBA Equipment Tracking Solution based on its RFID Technology.

Through his partnership with MATISEC, ID3S just equipped the GESIP with a Tracking Solution for SCBA equipment using ID3S RFID Technology and externalized ASP based Managing System.

Using the ID3S System, the GESIP can track and check the usages, controls and the maintenances of its equipment on each one of its training sites.

At this stage, six various types of SCBA equipment are tracked: breathing air cylinders, masks, helmets, harness, fire protection jackets and trousers.

For this application, ID3S provides the GESIP with two types of tag: over molded tags intended for the textile items and laminated tags -implementing ID3S patent-  intended for the metallic objects.

Rugged and RFID enabled PDAs are used on each site, those PDAs are synchronized with an externalized data base hosted by ID3S and accessible via an extranet network.

For more information, do not hesitate to contact us:
 P. CHARRIN ID3S, ,     +33 (0)6-16-79-42-94
T. SEVE, MATISEC, ,  +33 (0)6-87-70-40-31

 About the GESIP: 



GESIP, groupe d'études de sécurité des industries pétrolières et chimiques

The GESIP –a group of safety studies for the Oil and Chemical Industries- is an association of industrials that started in 1953 by the will of some safety engineers, resulting from different companies, who thought that the most effective means to progress in the field of safety was the exchange of best practices.

The GESIP became an association in 1979. Its goal is the ongoing improvement of safety on industrial sites, by the exchange of experience feedbacks and of the best practices as regards safety.

All along the road, staff training to the various techniques of fight against the disasters was set up, because a good training constitutes one of the best vectors of effective progress in the field of safety.







 MATISEC, Equipement de protection individuelle.

To perfectly Adapt to customer’s specific needs by providing total quality to delivered products .

To protect individual being  in hostile environments.

To design, manufacture, trade, market and maintain respiratory systems, protective clothing, and fire, chemical and nuclear apparel.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

ID3S will exhibit at the 2009 edition of the Fire Fighters Congress in St Etienne.

ID3S will attend the 2009 edition of the  Congrès des Sapeurs Pompiers
on October 15th, 16th and 17th octobre on its partners booths in St Etienne:

- BARGAZ HALL A Booth E17,

The last ID3S  innovations on RFID technology will be demonstrated as per the ID3S externalized tracking solution and the ID3S metal compatible laminated TAGs.


Looking forward to seeing you in St Etienne.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

ID3S® at ICTF 2009 in Marseille on June 16th and 17th.

ID3S® was pleased to meet you during the 2nd edition of ICTF 2009.


ID3S last innovations -Extranet Solutions- were demonstrated at ICTF 2009 in Marseille within a wonderful meditterranean ambience in conjunction with the sister technology that is NFC.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

New Premises for ID3S®

ID3S®  open new premises at the following address:

57 Cours Tolstoï
69100 Villeurbanne France

+33 (0)4-78-79-97-14

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

ID3S® Patent "Thin & Metal compatible TAG" has been delivered.

ID3S® Patent "Thin & Metal Compatible TAG manufacturing Process" has been delivered.


A license programm is already available for that patent.
Do not hesitate to contact us to become part of our licensees.



Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Luxfer Gas Cylinders & ID3S® embedding Tags in various cylinders at Manufacturing Level

A typical application where TAGs are embedded during Cylinders manufacturing process. Below, a  TAG is inserted in between the Aluminium liner and the external Epoxy layer of a composite cylinder. That way, the TAG becomes thermically and mechanically highly protected. The very same kind of process is applicable to BFK Cylinders. This Process benefits of ID3S patented "Thin & metal compatible Tag Manufacturing Process".


Monday, October 22, 2007

ID3S® to offer a license to it’s patented thin metal compatible TAG Packaging


Monday, September 03, 2007

ID3S® exhibits at « SP Congrès 2007» in Clermont Ferrand (booth 110: BARGAZ/ID3S)


Monday, April 02, 2007

SCBA RFID tracking system of ID3S® evaluated by the CEA in Cadarache


Monday, October 02, 2006

ID3S® Conference participation and booth exhibition at the « SP Congrès 2006 »


Monday, September 04, 2006

ID3S® to offer a flexible waterproof TAG Packaging Flame and High Temp Resistant (++150°C)


Monday, July 03, 2006

ID3S® to offer a thin metal compatible TAG Packaging (Patent pending)


Monday, April 03, 2006

SCBA cylinders, ID3S® to offer a RFID tracking solution at the compressor stage

Monday, December 23, 2024
ID3S UHF Active Device Ambient Light Powered at CES 2025
Thursday, November 21, 2024
Electronica 2024 Munchen
Monday, November 11, 2024
Electronica 2024 Munchen We'll be there, come and visit us
Thursday, August 15, 2024
The last one
Friday, June 12, 2020
We've just moved, new office address:
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